Friday, May 2, 2008

The Throne of Kisses

The other week I was giving out my usual puppy kisses and for some reason it caused quite the stir.

One of the senior residents, Bertha, was hanging onto my coattails following me around the center.

Each time I visited someone, Bertha would run up to them and asked if they got a puppy kiss. And each time she became more enthusiastic with her questions.

I think Bertha’s zeal made the other residents think that something super special was being given out. And who would argue – my kisses are special!

So many residents were eager to get their kiss that they lined up at my feet. Since I am so short, I jumped up on a wheel chair – sort of used it for my throne.

It cracked me up especially since the residents would hurry to line up for a kiss and then wipe off the puppy goo with laughter.

Kisses, puppy goo and laughter- the perfect recipe for fun!

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