Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Safety Professor

Last month I enrolled in college again.

Not as a student, as a professor!

Well maybe not exactly a professor, more like a guest speaker.

You might think from my safety vest that I spoke about being a patrol or security dog.

While I try and try to look big and ferocious in my safety suit, at the end of the day I am still a fluffy, cuddly dog and as you might expect I spoke to the college students about what it takes to be a therapy dog.

The students inspired me as they listened intently and took copious notes during my talk.

Their eyes sparkled with an enthusiasm about creatures large and small.

So often I spend my time trying to take care of others by making them happy, and it feels comforting to be the recipient this time and see so many young people studying to learn how to take care of animals.

Thanks to all the animal lovers who are training to make the world a safe and healthy place for me and my fellow dogs!

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