Yesterday I was honored to speak at a school Career Day! The students and staff were so friendly and I had the chance to I meet over 500 people.
If I estimate that every person pet me once or two twice, that means I got over 1,000 back and tummy rubs. Good day for me!
In between my presentations I explored other parts of the school. The science lab was fascinating.
I put one of my treats under the microscope to see if I could run a quick experiment and figure out what is really in one of those goodies. No luck, it just looked like a blob of stuff to me. But, fortunately the treat still looked yummy when it was magnified so I ate it.
School is so much fun! Next I visited the fish that were busy swimming around. I think they were jealous they were not invited to speak at Career Day. Maybe next year I told them.
All in all I had a super fun day – I didn’t want to leave. Thank you to the students and especially the staff for their kindness and making me feel so welcome. Your school rocks! Not only are the students bright, but they are learning how to become good people – the most important lesson in life.